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Current Position Previously
  • CTO at Talaera (2016-2020)
  • Principal Engineer of Technical Staff at Oracle Labs (2013-2014)
  • Senior Engineer and Technical Lead at Intel Research (2009-2012)
  • Software Engineer at Microsoft Research and Xbox, Microsoft Corp. (2005-2009)
  • Research intern at Sun Labs (2002) and Intel Research (2004)
  • PhD in Computer Science (2000-2004) on “Specification-Driven Dynamic Binary Translation” (eprint)
  • “Fast Microcode Interpretation with Transactional Commit/Abort” at AMAS/BT 2011
  • “A Proposal for Hardware-Assisted Arithmetic Overflow Detection for Array and Bitfield Operations” at CGO 2010
  • “Dynamic Binary Translation for System Emulation” at the Dagstuhl Seminar on Emerging Uses and Paradigms for Dynamic Binary Translation 2008
  • “Analysis of Virtual Method Invocation for Binary Translation” at the WCRE 2002
  • “Fast Dynamic Binary Translation: The Yirr-Ma Framework” at the WBT 2002
  • “Specification of the HRTL Abstract Machine” technical report FIT-TR-2001-03 at the Queensland University of Technology 2001
  • Signed/Unsigned Integer Guest Compare Instructions Using Unsigned Host Compare Instructions for Precise Architecture Emulation (7,752,028)
  • Method and System for Performing a Memory Safety Check of a Program Written in an Unmanaged Programming Language (9,530,006)
Professional Profile
All pictures on this site are © by Jens Tröger. Any form of use or reproduction of these pictures only with my explicit written permission. There are also a few images in my gallery on National Geographic, and occasionally I add some images to my Instagram page. For the year 2016 I have published a calendar “Beautiful Marine Life” which can be purchased here. (The 2015 calendar “Marine Critters of the Pacific Westcoast” is here, and the 2013 calendar “Nudibranchs of the Pacific Northwest” is here.)

Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Autumn Leaves
Autumn Leaves
Misty sunrise in Redmond
Grafitti in Barcelona
Cellar Door in Barcelona
Outside the Dali Museum in Figueres
Seattle Skyline
Doves on a wall in Barcelona
Autumn Colors
Fishers in Haifa
Afternoon in Missouri
Early Morning in Noosa National Park, Australia
Girl of the Long Neck Tribe, Thailand
Painting Monk, Thailand
Before School in Apia, Western Samoa
Man in Camouflage, Western Samoa
Girl with Chick, Swains Island
Turtle as Welcome Gift, Kanton Island
Lagoon, Orona Island
Total Eclipse of the Sun, Nikumaroro Island
Papapapaitai Falls on Upolu, Western Samoa
Somewhere in Oregon, U.S.A.
Crater Lake, U.S.A.
Old Man in Barcelona, Spain
Sunset over St Malo, France
Sunset over St Malo, France
Vaiala Beach on Upolu, Western Samoa
After the Tsunami, Western Samoa
Marine Iguana, Isablea Island, Ecuador
Trees on Isablea Island, Ecuador
Giant Tortoise on Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador
On some tiny rock close to North Seymore Island, Ecuador
Sea Lions on the Beach of Santa Cruz Island, Ecuador
Heading into Browning Pass, Vancouver Island, Canada
Winter Sunset, Redmond WA, U.S.A.
Late Autumn Afternoon at the Sammamish River, Redmond WA, U.S.A.
Sunset over Golden Gate Park, Seattle WA, U.S.A.
Storm brewing over Mulifanua, Western Samoa
On Waiheke Island, New Zealand
On Waiheke Island, New Zealand
On Waiheke Island, New Zealand
Sleepy Head in Jerusalem, Israel
On San Rafael, Gambier Islands, French Polynesia
View from Aukena to Mangareva Island, French Polynesia
Mangareva Island, French Polynesia
Playing children on Totegegie Island, French Polynesia
Hermit Crab on Totegegie Island, French Polynesia
Black Pearl Farms in a bay off Mangareva Island, French Polynesia
Black Pearl Farm on Mangareva Island, French Polynesia
Highest Point on Pitcairn Island, Pitcairn
Panorama of Pitcairn Island from Highest Point, Pitcairn
Adamstown, Pitcairn
Readying the Longboat in Bounty Bay, Pitcairn
Pitcairn Island
View from Sandy Island to the main island, Oeno Atoll, French Polynesia
Sunset over Oeno Atoll, French Polynesia
Sunset over Ahurei Bay, Rapa Iti Island, French Polynesia
Ahurei Bay and Rapa Iti Island, French Polynesia
Climbing the Forts on Rapa Iti Island, French Polynesia
Upper Noosa River in the Morning, Queensland, Australia
Thunderstorm brewing over Cooroy, Queensland, Australia
Sunset in Byron Bay, NSW, Australia
Bored Fur Seal on Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Fur Seal and pup, Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Flounder, Tacoma WA, USA
Closeup of a Giant Clam, somewhere in Kiribati
Close-up of the mouth of a Mushroom Coral, Upolu Island, Western Samoa
Puget Sound King Crab, Deception Pass WA, USA
Beaten-up Sea Star, Upolu Island, Western Samoa
Sea Star, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
Batfish and Steve, Upolu Island, Western Samoa
Red-Gilled Nudibranch, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Opalescent Nudibranch, Hussar Bay near Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, Canada
Juvenile Puget Sound King Crab, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Hooded Nudibranch, Hussar Bar near Port Hardy, Vancouver Island, Canada
Opalescent Nudibranchs on Seven Tree Island, Vancouver Island, Canada
Green Anemone in Surf, Browning Passage on Vancouver Island, Canada
Scalyhead Sculpin
White-And-Orange-Tipped Nudibranch
Tiny Orange Anemone, Egmont BC, Canada
Eyes of a Buffalo Sculpin, Egmont BC, Canada
Christmas Tree Tube Worm, Western Samoa
Vanessa, Western Samoa
Brain Choral and Luminescence, Western Samoa
Strawberry Anemone, San Juan Islands, U.S.A.
Sculpin, Neah Bay WA, USA
Scalyhead Sculpin, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Brooding Anemone, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Basket Star, Browning Passage on Vancouver Island, Canada
Opalescent Nudibranch on Kelp, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Sea Spider, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Decorator Crab, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Brooding Anemone, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Short Plumose Anemone on Kelp, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Marble Ray at the Yongala Wreck, Australia
Stubby Rose Anemone in Red Sea Squirts, Egmont BC, Canada
Scalyhead Sculpin, Egmont BC, Canada
Red-Gilled Nudibranch, Egmont BC, Canada
Grunt Sculpin, Egmont BC, Canada
Decorator Crab, Egmont BC, Canada
Mouth of a Swimmimg Anemone, Egmont BC, Canada
Candy Stripe Shrimp, Egmont BC, Canada
Juvenile Opalescent Nudibranch on Kelp, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Orange Cup Coral, Egmont BC, Canada
Pearly Nudibranch, Egmont BC, Canada
Black-Tip Reef Shark, Morane Atoll, French Polynesia
Black-Tip Reef Shark, Morane Atoll, French Polynesia
Galapagos Shark and the Discovery, Marotiri in French Polynesia
Surrounded by Galapagos Sharks, Marotiri in French Polynesia
Surrounded by Galapagos Sharks, Marotiri in French Polynesia
Galapagos Shark under the Discovery, Marotiri in French Polynesia
Galapagos Shark, Marotiri in French Polynesia
Orange Hermit Crab, San Juan Islands, U.S.A.
Juvenile Decorated Warbonnet, San Juan Islands, U.S.A.
White Dendronotid with eggs, San Juan Islands, U.S.A.
Juvenile Bering Hermit Crab with Strawberry Anemones, San Juan Islands, U.S.A.
Cockrell's Dorid, San Juan Islands, USA
Seal Doto, San Juan Islands, USA
British Columbia Aeolid, Barkley Sound BC, Canada
White Adalaria on Kelp, Barkley Sound BC, Canada
Blackeyed Gobi, Barkley Sound BC, Canada
Feeding Polycera Tricolor on Kelp, Barkley Sound BC, Canada
Decorated Warbonnet, Barkley Sound BC, Canada
Brown Oval Cup Coral, Barkley Sound BC, Canada
Juvenile Clown Dorid, Neah Bay WA, U.S.A.
Crescent Gunnel, Neah Bay WA, U.S.A.
Kelp Flea, Neah Bay WA, U.S.A.
Humpback Whale calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Humpback Whale calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Male Humpback Whale on its way to the surface, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Female Humpback Whale with calf and male escort below, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Female Humpback Whale with calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Humpback Whale calf with mother, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Humpback Whale calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Playing Humpback Whale calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Humpback Whale calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Humpback Whale calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Female Humpback Whale with calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Male Humpback Whale, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Female Humpback Whale with calf, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
Male and female Humpback Whales, Ha'apai Group, Tonga
British Columbia Aeolid, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Decorated Warbonnet hiding in Sulphor Sponge, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Red-Gilled Nudibranch on Red Soft Coral, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Cryptic Nudibranch and eggs, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Eyes of a Scalyhead Sculpin, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Probably a juvenile Bushy-Backed Nudibranch, Port Hardy BC, Canada
Box Fish, HMAS Brisbane Mooloolaba, QLD, Ausralia
Clown Fish and anemone, HMAS Brisbane Mooloolaba, QLD, Australia
Juvenile Honeycomb Eel, Nearings Mooloolaba, QLD, Australia
Bull Ray at the HMAS Brisbane, Mooloolaba QLD, Australia
Octopus poking out of a pipe at the HMAS Brisbane, Mooloolaba QLD, Australia
Scorpion Fish in a patch of sea weeds, The Caves at Mooloolaba QLD, Australia
Great White Shark almost bumped into my camera, Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Great White Shark approaching, Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Hungry and hunting Great White Shark, Guadalupe Island, Mexico
Longfin Sculpin, San Juan Island WA, USA
English Sole, Redondo Beach WA, USA
Pacific Red Octopus, Redondo Beach WA, USA
Widehand Hermit Crab, Redondo Beach WA, USA
Deception Pass Bridge
Port of Apia
Inside the old Jennings Estate on Swains Island
Slum on Funafuti
The Gothic District in Barcelona
The Skook
Old Bridge in my hometown of Rodewisch
Inside the Dali Museum in Figueres
Surfers Paradise
Autumn in Redmond
Sunrise over Similk Bay
Sunrise over Similk Bay
  • I practice Loving-Kindness (“Mettā” in Pāli) Meditation as the Buddha taught it and under the guidance of my teachers Venerable Bhante Vimalaramsi and Doug Kraft. The meditation instructions can be found in this good translation of the oldest Buddhist texts: Majjhima Nikāya, the Middle Length Discourses. Bhante's book “The Breath of Love” (epub, mobi, or pdf) provides more detailed instructions and explanations of the texts, and Doug Kraft’s book “Buddha’s Map” is a wonderful account of meditation experiences and story telling, with plenty of instruction and advice throughout. I also recommend poking through the Suttavāda Foundation website. On occasion I update this flyer on mindfulness practice for beginners, a summary of the above instructions, and I use this flyer in our Sunday mediation classes at the West End Yoga Studio.
Scuba Diving
  • I am a registered and insured PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer and Emergency First Response Instructor (#197599) with teaching specialties in Night, Deep, Ice, Wreck Diving, Dry Suit, Photography, Enriched Air, and a few more. I teach mainly on request whenever there's some interest in any level of certification up to PADI Divemaster.
  • I'm a Shodan ranked Judo player and a support instructor at the Emerald City Judo club.
Jens Tröger
  • Duvall, State of Washington, U.S.A.
  • Mobile Phone: n/a
  • West End, State of Queensland, Australia
  • Mobile Phone: +61-424-893-427
  • eMail: jens.troeger (at)